Patient Process - Fitting Your Oral Appliance
At your fitting appointment, our doctor will teach you how to easily place and remove the oral appliance in your mouth. This technique is very simple and requires little training. Any adjustments to your device that are required to optimise treatment, comfort and success will be made during this visit.
What to Expect
Most patients experience the benefits of oral appliance therapy from the first night of use. You can expect snoring and sleep apnoea to improve dramatically straight away. If there is unexpected residual snoring or sleep apnoea this will be addressed at your follow appointment.
Follow Up Appointment
At this visit our doctor will further adjust your device if necessary. This will bring your lower jaw slightly forward to resolve snoring and sleep apnoea. The majority of our patients sleep very comfortably with this device from the first night of use.
Periodic Review Appointments
We recommend that you attend regular review appointments every 6 to 12 months to ensure that your appliance is working optimally. If there is residual snoring and symptoms your device will be adjusted as required. The device will also be inspected to ensure maximum comfort and durability. The doctor will also examine your dentition to ensure no adverse side effects.